Thursday, September 15, 2011

Taking Care of Grandma

Miss Squirmalicious and Grandpa have been taking good care of Grandma this week after her foot surgery.  Grandpa has been the Granpy Nanny this week and made sure Grandma kept her foot elevated and iced as well as fixed all the meals.  Miss Squirmalicious has made Grandma feel so much better with all kinds of hugs and squirmaling!

Grandpa also put together the new high chair and Squirmalicious ate her cereal and pears so good in it.  Miss Squirmalicious just loves her Grandpa and enjoys spending so much time with him.  They're both going to miss each other next week.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Helping Grandma & Grandpa

Miss Squirmalicious has had a busy couple of days with Grandma and Grandpa.  Grandpa took off this week from work so we could get some stuff done before Grandma's foot surgery on Friday.  Squirmalicious was helping us...mostly by reminding us of what's most important, and helping Grandpa relax and laugh on his vacation.  She was doing an amazing job squirming all over Grandpa!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Giggles for Grandpa!

Grandpa had Miss Squirmalicious giggling like crazy today!  So adorable.  She is getting such good control over her hands; she would put her hand on Grandpa's mouth and he would do raspberries in her palm.  She would just laugh and laugh; take her hand away and then put it back for more to giggle some more!

Grandma is so special!

Grandma is so special, my Squirmalicious poops for me everyday!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hungry Baby

Miss Squirmalicious was very hungry today.  She actually ate 8 ounces in one shot!  Later on she ate most of her cereal and applesauce and then still drank 4 ounces.  Today was also a good day for napping.  A trip to Borders Bookstore and Costco completed our day.  Daddy returned from his business trip and was so happy to see Squirmalicious!