Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Stringing Wooden Beads

A new favorite pastime, stringing wooden beads.  Miss Squirmalicious will sit very seriously for quite a while doing this.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


We keep a box of of Castle Lego's in our bedroom for Squirmalicious to play with.  She used to pretty much just dump them out all over the place and hold the princesses.  Today she was very busy actually putting Lego's together and taking them back apart.  She's learning so fast!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Like Grandma, like Grandbaby...likes to go out and likes to go to Costco.  When we walked in, Grandpa asked why is she so happy?  It's because she likes to go to Costco, likes to try all the samples and share a frozen yogurt with Grandma. 

Monday, July 16, 2012


Every animal that Squirmalicious picks up says, Baa-baa!  So adorable.  When we saw some cows at the dairy farm she yelled, "Hello"  and then, "Baa-baa". 

Friday, July 13, 2012


I bought a $1 Slinky at Target while we were there.  Little Squirmalicious is fascinated with it.  She even puts it around her shoulders!  Best $1 spent.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Climbing has become a favorite endeavor of Miss Squirmalicious.  Last week she climbed up on the ottoman and then stood up.  Today she climbed up on the music table her aunt gave her and stood up, while making music!  :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


We now have magnetic letters and numbers on the refrigerator.  Our Squirmalicious loves them and for some reason, she especially likes the E and the 3, picks them out no matter where they are!