Monday, September 30, 2013

Ear tubes

Our poor little guy had tubes put in his ears today. Thank goodness he's already feeling better and right after surgery his hearing had improved quite a lot. This afternoon he was already all smiles! Hopefully he will be earache free from now on.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Major Cuteness

Today was a school day for my Squirmalicious so my buddy Major Cuteness and I had some just the two of us time. He is just so, so very adorable. Like his big sister, he is a ball of energy until he passes out! He is the sweetest and funniest little guy. Every day he learns more and more. I had my hands on either side of him as he was standing by the ottoman. I wasn't touching him, just making sure he wouldn't fall as him banged on the ottoman. He took one hand, then the other and pushed them away! I just love my grandbabies so much!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

New Favorite Phrase

Miss Squirmalicious has a new favorite phrase, "Holy Crap!" Sang Happy Birthday Holy Crap too! Good thing it was Daddy who taught her....  ;)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


My Buddy is already 9 months old and spent the day trying to stand up by holding onto everything but mostly Grandma. He is getting up on his hands and knees sometimes but mostly continues his army crawl at lightening speed.

Miss Squirmalicious missed coming to Grandma's so much while we were away that she didn't want to go to storytime, "No thank you Grandma!"

Both my grandbabies are getting so big...