Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Sorry Grandma

Without thinking I let Major Cuteness play games on the iPad on the way to school. He was having so much fun laughing out loud until as we pulled into Goddard he started vomiting. Poor little guy was so upset saying, "Sorry Grandma I puke, so sorry Grandma." I told him it's okay, puke happens.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Go figure...

We picked Major Cuteness up early from Goddard yesterday and today just after getting Miss Squirmalicious from kindergarten. All of a sudden he didn't want to leave because today they were reading books and then going out to play while yesterday they were watching Curious George.

Our Squirmalicious on the other hand really did not want to go to kindergarten. Arms crossed, doesn't like her teacher, school, YMCA, ended up getting help from staff to get her in. Picked her up and she was happy as could be! Had PE and went to the library where she checked out her first book.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


OMG! How is it possible that my Squirmalicious started kindergarten today? Major Cuteness starts preschool next week!

I have been so remiss in keeping up with this blog the last 2 years. Once we found our Camelot, time was consumed with renovations, additions, selling, and moving. Still working on unpacking the garage and a full storage unit.

Miss Squirmalicious had a wonderful year in Pre-K! I enjoyed spending mornings and afternoons with her.

Major Cuteness was a joy to hang out with 2 days a week, he is so sweet! His health has improved tremendously and despite his limited diet he is growing and is sturdy as an ox! He continues to make great strides in speech, education, and trying new foods.

Grandpa & I are beyond thrilled to be living next door to our grandkids.