Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Moana & Maui

The kids went to see the Disney movie, "Moana" recently. With some Christmas money from Aunt Genie & Uncle Danny they ordered a Moana & a Maui talking figures. They have been waiting and waiting for them to arrive, asking Mommy to check the tracking. They finally arrived today! So exciting!!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Grandpa retires

Today both children were off of school for a teacher work day. Since Miss Squirmalicious was sick with a stomach bug yesterday we were being lazy watching the movie, "Secret Life of Pets." While we were watching Grandpa had to get on a work conference call and after came out retired! It's all good news!! This shall be interesting...

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Still sick kids. :(  Much better than yesterday so we spent most of the day playing downstairs in the playroom. Not much appetite but better energy.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Stomach Bug

We couldn't even finish getting over upper respiratory infections before starting with a stomach bug! Grandpa is finally almost recovered from acute bronchitis and Miss Squirmalicious has croup when both kids get stomach bugs. Major Cuteness wasn't hit too hard but whenever a bout of diarrhea hit he would go running to the bathroom confused, saying, "what's happening?" Poor Squirmalicious is so much sicker with the bug on top of the croup. She is looking so beat and is so tired. Couldn't keep anything down and was so sore from the diarrhea medicine was needed. I hope she's turned the corner after being able to keep down a couple of dozen oyster crackers.

Now I'm guessing Mommy and I are next for the stomach bug. :(

Friday, January 6, 2017

Halloween Super Heroes

We had fun today watching Halloween shows, making pumpkin pie, and a haunted house! Then they were off to trick or treat with Mom & Dad in Super Women and Superman costumes, while Mom & Dad were Batman & Batwomen! 

New Year, 1st Snow

What a whirlwind of a holiday season. Spent it in NYC with Aunt Jenn and Maurice from Nairobi. At first Squirmalicious and Major Cuteness did not want to go but we set up a small tree, Santa did find us, and then they didn't want to leave!

Had just over an inch of snow overnight so 2 hr. delay this morning since this is Maryland. They didn't want to go to school of course, just wanted to play in the snow. Then Miss Squirmalicious tried to convince me to pick her up early since Uncle Doug was coming tonight!