Tuesday, September 10, 2019


When I picked the kids up today they were very red faced and sweating. They'd been outside for most of the YMCA after school program and it was 87 today. We went into the building so they could get a drink of water and refill water bottles. First Miss Squirmalicious was putting her face in the water fountain and drying her face on my shirt! Of course Major Cuteness followed! It was hot so cooling for me too! ;) 

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Chicken Nuggets, Hot Dogs, & Nutella

Major Cuteness only wants to eat chicken nuggets...breakfast, lunch, and dinner! Tonight I did get him to eat a couple of hot dogs. Miss Squirmalicious has a new favorite, Nutella on toast. Crazy diets my grandkids!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

1st Day of School

Here we go...another school year already! Miss Squirmalicious is in 3rd grade and gets to go upstairs to her classroom. Major Cuteness is now in 1st grade along with his best friend Jahn.