Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Oh no, here we go again. Poor Miss Squirmalicious got in the car after school to tell me that she didn't have such a good day because her head hurt and so did her shoulder and the rest of her body. On the way she said she was hot so I told her to open her coat but she wouldn't since the teacher told her to keep her coat zippered up until she got home. Ice cream would make her feel better! She's her Grandma's girl. 😉 Getting her out of the car I realized she felt feverish. Rested in our bed with a cool washcloth on her forehead. Notice from school yesterday regarding strep throat going around. We'll see.

Major Cuteness was not himself today. We had to wake him up to start. He was not listening and running away from the teacher when I went to pick him up from preschool. He didn't even want to come with me. I had to pick him up and carry him to the car. Teacher said this behavior was the last 10 minutes, she didn't know why but he seemed tired. On the way home he talked about not liking anyone - the teachers, the kids, preschool, Grandpa. Had some milk and spent the rest of the afternoon resting his head wherever he went. I'm thinking he had a headache too. Grumpy boy.

Poor babies.

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