Monday, November 6, 2023

Just a Minute

Where has the time gone? I have been so remiss in writing about my amazing times with my grandchildren. Miss Squirmalicious will soon be a teenager. Major Cuteness is now taller than me. Little Flower just turned 4. Baby Z at 2 is really growing into herself. We spent 10 days in Finland with our wonderful Little Flower, Baby Z, and their parents in September. 

It was Baby Z wanting to send me a video over the weekend that prompted me to write. I don't want to forget the precious things that grandchildren sometimes do. 

She wanted to send me a video in her dinosaur mask. She started to talk and her sister Little Flower, also in a dinosaur mask, interrupted her. Baby Z turned to Little Flower, and with her pointer finger up said, "Just a minute". First of all, how cute is that! Then she started again and was once more interrupted, and again with her pointer up said, "Just a minute." This happened several more times. She very patiently kept telling her sister "Just a minute".  Finally, Mom had to step in and tell Little Flower to let her sister talk. I am so impressed that Baby Z stayed so calm and polite throughout the whole exchange. 

Monday, February 20, 2023

So Much Fun!

 Oh, my goodness, my grandchildren are having so much fun together! Miss Squirmalicious and Major Cuteness just love their little cousins and are so good with them. Little Flower and Baby Z just adore their big cousins. They follow them around and just want to be with them. What more could a grandma want?

Friday, February 17, 2023

Coming to America!

 I'm so excited! Little Flower and Baby Z, along with their parents, are on their way to visit us. We're getting ready to play! I hope they're ready for lots of hugs and kisses. 😍